Set up by Linzi Tropea and Michelle Southworth in October last year, The Animal Auction Rescue Group raises funds to help rescue dogs.
The group has a strict criteria that each rescue has to meet to make sure money goes to responsible rescues and is used for what it was intended. Every dog rescued must be vaccinated, microchipped and spayed/neutered before going to a new home. All homes must be checked and the rescue must offer 100% back up should the animal need returned for whatever reason.
The Animal Auction Rescue Group now has an additional three admins in Fiona Reid, Patsy Serjeant and Diane Holcroft and has raised over £9000 to date. LoveMyDog is proud to support the group and recently donated a Thornproof dog blanket and some Poo Poo bags for an auction. If you would like to place a bid on any items you can join The Animal Auction Group via Facebook here.