LoveMyDog supports campaigns to ban prong collars. LoveMyDog NEVER has or NEVER will design, make or sell prong collars. We do not agree with them and believe they are barbaric, cruel and should be made illegal.
If you feel the same way you can take action by signing the following petitions:
Help ban the use of prong collars on dogs worldwide (
Ban the use of aversive training collars (The Mayhew Animal Home)
The ban of ecollars, prong collars & choke chains on dogs (HM Government)
You can also join the Banning of Pinch Collars Facebook group.
We’re used to getting lots of emails from customers and until this week they’ve normally included a photo of happy hound pictured with a new LMD collar, coat or lead.
We would never work with anything that causes an animal pain. In fact, our designer dog collars use the softest suede so that they are wonderfully comfortable for your dog to wear. You can see our entire range of dog collars here and there’s not a prong collar in sight.